Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hoe Down at The Farm Sanctuary

These last couple of weeks I have somehow gotten myself so far behind with work; then I got crazy sick for like a week, making me so so so far behind, so the last thing in the world I really had time for was to take an entire weekend off, but with some coaxing from my dear Shawn who's so good at knowing what I need, that's what I did anyway.
We went to The Farm Sanctuary up around Chico, and it was perfect. So fun, and relaxing, and healing, and tasty, and informative, and a whole bunch of other stuff. The event was their annual hoe down. This was our first time but I would certainly be happy to make it a tradition. I loved it!

We got there in the afternoon on Saturday and just had a little bit of time to play with the cattle- who are seriously huge, fyi- before some of the speakers started. We listened to a few talks on Animal activism and Vegan eating and then had a fabulous vegan bbq/meal before the hoe down started, which was totally my favorite part. I had no idea how to dance that way but we gave it our darnedest trying to improvise and I had an absolute blast doing it, and SHAWN was a surprisingly good cowboy! He probably wouldn't admit it but I even heard him yell a couple of "yee-haw"s

You could camp there on their property for free, which we thought would be a great idea. But their property also came with free ticks! of which I found one on my neck once we were in our tent. Gross Gross Gross. I of course handled it in the best way possible though, and flung it violently off my hand once I realized what it was. So then we had to go searching for it by flashlight :) Luckily we found it, killed it, and thought all excitement for the night was over. But I think I might have been attacked by the flashlight later that night. Right before we went to bed I asked Shawn if he was worried that the flashlight we'd hung over our heads so we could read would fall on him in the middle of the night. He said no and we went to bed. In the morning the flashlight was in our bed and Shawn said I woke up and said "OUCH!" at one point during the night. I'm not sure how I could not remember a flashlight falling 6 feet and hitting me in the head, but I don't have any bruises or bumps on my face, so I guess all is well.
So then this morning was a yoga class followed by a vegan breakfast cooking demonstration, which was my other favorite part. Here's Shawn with his green smoothie- Bananas, Dates, and a ton of Parsley.

Then we went on a guided tour and got to play with all the pigs, turkeys, goats, chickens, etc- my other favorite part.

And finally, when in Rome, do as the Romans, so here's Shawn and I rolling in the hay!


Anonymous said...

That looked really fun but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't become a vegan. I'd never know how to feed you then!

Anonymous said...

Robyn forgot to mention that the pigs LOVE their bellies to be scratched. They're just like Morgan. And you'd never eat Morgan would you? Tatanka, please don't answer that question.

Anonymous said...

wow those pictures are really purdy!

Anonymous said...

Um, you're laying on a giant hog in that picture.

Hi Tatanka!