Monday, May 19, 2008


We just got back yesterday from our trip to Indiana- and it was such a nice trip. I've never been to the midwest before . . . except to Chicago for a weekend once- but that just felt like another big city, so I'm considering this my first real Midwestern trip, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I learned that it's totally uncool to call Indianapolis "Indy", and that "Nap-town" is what the cool kids are saying. I saw my first "White Castle" and my first "Waffle House" and I apparently can't pronounce "Hoosier" right.

The first night we stayed at Jason's grandma's house and for some reason I just loved her house- it was just like Grandma's houses should be- with lots of knick knacks in the windowsills, pictures of grandkids in every available spot, and lots of knitted and ruffly things. I took so many pictures, I guess just cause I was having a familiar feeling and wanted to capture it.

At one point I realized something kinda bizarre. The layout of her house is just like the layout I often create in my head when I'm reading a book and there's a house in the story. Weird.

While being a military brat doesn't really allow one to claim to be "from" anywhere, Shawn grew up in Indiana from 5th through 9th grade and I think considers that to be where he's from more than anywhere else. It's where Jason and him met, so on Friday after waking up we spent a good deal of time driving through the old neighborhood and reminiscing.

Here is the old house

And the rock in the front yard that Shawn swears used to be bigger

They had so many memories from that neighborhood. It was good to listen to them remember where people used to live, and what happened on what corner, and to retrace the path they used to ride on their bikes to each other's house. . . I think generally people usually miss out on the first portion of their significant other's life's experiences; being able to do something like this felt really special.

There's tons more, but I'm too tired right now- I'll have to post the rest tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's so green. Looks like a wonderful place to grow up

Anonymous said...

over the last few years i have been to the midwest a few times and secretly find myself wanting to move there someday. don't tell anyone!

Anonymous said...

It's a great place.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely photos. I especially like the collage (is there a better word for this???) at the top.